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Black folks and/or African Americans are oftimes reminded everyday that they are unliked, and unwanted, and that they don’t matter by Blanco, and/or Pink people, also known as white.  Sidebar:  I mean if they changed our narrative to Black and Brown, then by all rights, and equality their color narrative should be changed to to  either Blanco,  and/or Pink.   After all, referring to us as Black and Brown is reverting back on a sly to (colored folks).  So now it goes without saying, but I digress.  

I personally don’t give a care  if white people like me.  I am not a slave.  I don’t have to make them or try to get them to like me.  I see Black folks try to impress, and get acknowledgement everyday from people that hate their freaking guts.  It is degrading to watch.  I will say this though, while I don’t care if they like me or not.  Doesn’t matter to me.  This is where I draw the line.  It matters to me how they treat me.  That is my pet peeve.  My ancestors were mistreated, and I won’t stand to be mistreated if I can do anything about it.

Now on another level, when you have members of government, that are disrepectful to THEIR COLLEGUES, and they have power to pass bills, laws, but are flagrant in their dislike of Black folks  then they should not be lawmakers.  They should choose another job or put a bill forward where if they flagrantly show their contempt for a race, then they should have to leave their government position.  A politician is in a seat of power to make laws to uphold or destroy people.  Not one that can truly affect the people they hate.  I was utterly discussed in reading this article.  This has got to be the lowest of the low.

Blatant disrespect by members


Indiana Black Lawmakers booed by GOP colleagues

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