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JUDGE SUSPENDS EARLY CUTOFF OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN INDIANA commends the Judge in halting abruptly kicking citizens off of unemployment. This Judge realized the impact of how a cold and callous endeavor could impact its citizens.  On this day this decision needs to be applauded; I mean to abruptly end unemployment would indeed cause more harm than good.  This is not rocket science.   Listen, it does not take rocket science to rule fairly.  It appears as though our own lawmakers lean towards the wishes of businesses, who lobby before them, as opposed to the needs of their own citizens.  Here we are on the verge of a new virus, and lawmakers want to end a resource for its citizens. 

The point of this story is this:  A Judge in Indiana made a ruling that would not allow Hoosiers to be abruptly thrown off of unemployment.

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Again.  What a wise, humanitarian, and decent rule to make.  Can you imagine the negative impact a decision to end unemployment abruptly would have on citizens?  Our lawmakers and rulers are leaning towards the side of businesses as always.  Suffice to say, these same lawmakers or rulers in high places cannot decide or won’t commit to a minimum wage increase.  One that could possibly lift CITIZENS out of poverty.  Go figure.  Adding insult to injury, our lawmakers already know that many workers are working poor.  These workers need help while working.  Many have subsidized housing.  Not to mention those that are still eligible to receive food stamps assistance while they are gainfully employed.  The lawmakers have the statistics that prove this. 

Need I mention that so many of our bosses are sheer assholes, who treat their employees like a piece of crap?  Why would anyone want to go back to that?  This turn of events should be a wake-up call for employers who seem to think people just enjoy wages that do not afford them a way to make ends meet.  Some Managers and higher-ups in these organizations have management styles that resemble a dictatorship, as well as a eat my shit or leave attitude.  These management styles are truly deplorable and destroy workers’ self-esteem.   These organizations are top-heavy, meaning those on top make over-the-top wages, while the bottom workers are barely scraping by.  All for a profit margin so the higher-ups can have over the tops bonuses, and we get nothing.  Some may get pennies on a dollar and are so grateful for that.   Go figure.  Many don’t even receive raises, and if they do it averages out to a damn quarter.   Sidebar:  What the lawmakers could have done was make provisions for workers to begin employee-owned companies to compete with monopolies.  However, that is too much like right.

On the other hand, employees have to deal with coworkers who are lazy, complainers, liars, gossipers, and are cold and callous, as well as racist workers.  Not to mention some Black managers treat Blacks as pieces of garbage, and exhibit the same racism as their white counterparts against Blacks, and will cry unity when their asses are on the line.

Anywho.  The point of this story is this. commends the Judge in Indiana that halted the abrupt end of unemployment.  This Judge recognized that this would cause Indiana residents irreparable harm.  These lawmakers ofttimes appear to side with business owners who would throw those unemployed under the bus.  The same businesses that would not blink an eye while throwing their employees into a situation of just taking anything to get food, or basic necessities.  Some could care less that employees are barely making it, and scraping by.  Oftimes these same employers fire employees for whatever reason in the hell they feel like.  Then they deny them unemployment because guess what; according to these businesses who have lobbied your lawmakers, we are an at-will state. No accountability at all according to our own lawmakers.  Just like slave ownership.  They could fire us for anything.   It is good to see the tables turned for once.

Listen, everyone, this is one of those red flags to consider,  and duly note when you vote again.  Yes, stimulus checks were good, but the lawmakers are supposed to take care of its CITIZENS.  On the other hand, lawmakers are supposed to have a plan in place that detail putting their citizens back to work.  These lawmakers are supposed to pay attention to what their citizens are trying to tell them through their behaviors.  This COVID-19  period was probably the most time employees have ever been able to spend with their families.  Has anyone noticed that youth criminal activity has declined?   Could be due to the fact that parents are at home, and able to monitor their children. Duh!

Yes, some employees have abused the system, but that is so few, and far between; not to mention the media will make a mountain out of a mold hill to get a law passed.  Their fake news is truly not enough to kick everyone off. 

Isn’t this how these lawmakers justified criminalizing fathers with a bogus child support agenda while hollering a deadbeat dad agenda to pass a bogus child support law to criminalize a father.  There were ONLY 3% of the men were not taking care of their children.  So why did 97% of the men have to be punished?  These lawmakers stripped these men of everything.  So a government that is not supposed to lock any citizen up for a debt, or criminalize them for debt is now seizing their property and locking them up.  Illegal.   But wait, these same lawmakers abruptly changed the laws to do so.  Talking about a Ponzi scheme. 

Isn’t that what Clinton’s deadbeat dad agenda did?  Even got a third party to do it and charge interest on child support.  A government isn’t supposed to charge interest.  A government that takes away Father’s property and charges them interest on child support.  All illegal. 

There are several U.S. Supreme Court decisions limiting the ability of courts to impose a fine or probation financial requirements and converting them into jail time when the defendant is indigent. For example, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1971 held that it is a denial of equal protection of the law to convert a traffic fine to imprisonment because a person was unable to pay it (Tate v. Short). However, the state-by-state practical implementation of these decisions is not uniform.

Our own lawmakers changed laws to proceed with a bogus child support agenda.

Debtors’ prisons were abolished at the federal level in 1833 although states were free to continue imprisonment for debt and some states had debtors’ prisons into the 1840s. Many state constitutions contain provisions generally prohibiting imprisonment for failing to pay a debt.

Then these lawmakers change all of that to get a Deadbeat dad agenda pushed through to criminalize fathers, but I digress

Listen when it is time to vote again, remember these things, and not the lies they tell you. 

In ending, mind you these people, who are the Rulers want to abruptly throw their own citizens off of unemployment wages.  These are people WHO WORKED. commends this Judge for using common sense, as well as a humanitarian approach.  This Judge made a decision not to be  barbaric and abruptly end food on the table for ITS CITIZENS.  So now since our lawmakers are aligned with businesses, we can get locked up for anything, even if it is unconstitutional.  Now they are forcing employees back into labor. 

Garyians, and all Hoosiers– let’s become well-informed voters, and vote on what impacted us the most this year, and years to come.  Hold them accountable for their bogus laws.  Let them know that we will no longer be bamboozled. Let them know that we–  need proof of change, not promises.  Four years is long enough to follow through on a campaign promise.  Let them know that the same old song and dance routine won’t work anymore.     Long story short.  Remember this Judge’s name.  


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