Photograph by hakan-nural on Unsplash

Everyone is not in favor of taking a COVID-19 vaccination

 I learned not to recently that a family member who lives in a nursing home, was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccination or find a new place to live.  Why would anyone be subjected to take a COV-19 two step vaccination that was rushed through.   Since my family member is under the guardianships’ office in Chicago, he has absolutely no rights, and was subjected to take the two step vaccination against his will.  Ironically, there is just not enough information to make someone take a vaccination that was rushed through.  Something is very wrong with this.  Not to mention, cancer, the common cold, diabetes, alzheimers, dementia still have no cures.  Suffice to say, there is just too much controversy around this. 

What’s more is now it seems like every death is attributed to the COVID19.

Here are two different stories, and I will not censor freedom of speech here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibodies for Treatment of COVID-19 | FDA

The FDA didn’t ‘approve’ Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s why – Los Angeles Times (

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