Photograph by Martin Sanchez (COVID-19 Outbreak map) on


Garyians, as well as Hoosiers; please take note that the Indiana Governor, as well as some of his co-sponsors and/or constituents, have signed various laws into existence effective  July 1, 2021.

If you would like to learn more, please click on this red underlined sentence.

Garyians, please pay special attention to the new law below, as well as those who sponsored the law.

Need I say more . . .  So the government and/or rule-makers have given businesses a way out by law.  This means that businesses will have no accountability.  They will not be blamed.  As our government states in their law effective July 1, 2021    they will be granted  “. . .civil tort immunity for harm that results from the design, manufacture, labeling, sale, distribution, or donation of a COVID-19 protective product . . .”. 

This is truly a WTF moment.  In other words, they are not accountable for the irreparable harm and/or death that may ensue for harm done to Garyian/Hoosier citizens by this vaccination. 

What is more insulting is that these same lawmakers have mandated citizens to take the vaccination. They have blindly done it by saying you cannot travel or enjoy the norms of a productive life unless you show proof that you have been vaccinated.    Some jobs may even require you to take it.  What’s more, is that now you don’t have to wear masks if you have been vaccinated.  Right.  Go freaking figure.  

Remember this when election times come around, that is if we live to see it.

Why were we not told this sooner, than later?

Now they want to screw us royally.  NOW they have lawyered up, and are telling us NOW that those that manufactured, created, gave this vaccination to us, and distributed the vaccination, are not accountable for our health and well-being.  Then in the same breath, the rulers in HIGH PLACES mandated a two shot vaccination.  What is really going on?  WTF.

Is this what killing us softly means?  


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