Photograph by Hasan Almasi on


This picture was taken from a post on a Facebook page, and Garyside asked the author for permission to use it on a blog.  Garyside does not know about the authenticity of the picture and is only posting the picture to make a point. 

Garyians, we should choose to respect life and to sustain it at all costs.  We should not alter that mantra/belief.  No matter what.  That mantra/belief should play out in our decisions/lives no matter how heated it gets. It should not matter if you do not like that person for whatever reason.  Not to mention dealing with different affiliations unlike your own, etc.  Nothing should warrant ending a life, other than self-defense.  Again, no one should have or develop a  mindset to end a life, other than self-defense.  Garyians our lives are to be cherished.  Not murdered, maimed, raped, sodomized, disfigured, or traumatized in any way.  Oftimes the people who live through that kind of trauma are never the same mentally.   Even in jail. For many trauma never leaves them where they were.  On the other hand, every life has value.  Someone loves the person you hate.  That person was someone’s son and/or daughter, soul mate, father, mother, brother, sister, etc.  That person’s existence meant something to people.  Not to mention, that person’s life will leave a void in the lives of people left behind.  Some people can never get over a loss.   The community as a whole loses as well.  Our community loses future inventors, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, awesome moms, awesome dads, etc. All because of pride, disagreement, affiliations, bullshit, mistaken identity, and an overabundance of narcissists who are psychopaths and don’t give a damn about life.  What’s more, is murderous music. Music just like television is for entertainment.  Not a lifestyle. The so-called artists that instigate murder over peace, and mayhem over a civilized agreement don’t even live the life they sing/talk about. They don’t even want black folks in their neighborhood.  Only Susie and Sam, if you get my drift.  These types of people were categorized as Uncle Tom’s back in the day and/or sellouts.  None of it makes sense.

Some kind of way Garyians some who live amongst us have got life twisted, and made it of no value.  Crime should never have gained a foothold in our community, nor should it continue.  It is the same with thievery.  Thieves are taking something away from someone that they may never be able to replace.  Imagine stealing someone’s rent money that leaves them facing eviction or food money that leaves them hungry, and traumatized.  Burglary and stealing items out of empty buildings that do not belong to thieves makes no sense.  Thieves leave the community riddled with buildings that are of no worth.  All for the $20.00  they may have gotten from taking copper or gutting a house.  Their thievery creates eyesores and havens that are unsafe for anyone to walk by.    The houses thieves break into leave a void that will not be filled.  It is painful to go through a house someone else has come in and ransacked while you are away.  If you were in the home when the perpetrator came in that is a horrific trauma that some will have a hard time overcoming, (if they ever do).  Oftimes they develop phobias behind the blatant violation.  The invasion will leave you feeling violated and unsafe where you lay your head, valuables, and lives.  Worst yet, some are not even in a position to move.  Now to add insult to injury, the residents live an endless nightmare every day, amongst people among them that are responsible for the invasion.  None of this makes sense. 

Life is to be lived to the fullest and enjoyed.  Men are supposed to be able to  live as men and take care of their families.  Not criminalized by people who share their culture, or anyone else.  Oftentimes, what makes you mad enough to cause irreversible harm to another human being,  could have been resolved.  Decently and in order.  Real men/women don’t steal, kill and destroy.  That is not a staple for manhood or womanhood. It is truly screwed up. Something that a simple job or self-employment could have addressed.   On the other hand, Blacks are purposely not granted or afforded the opportunity to become entrepreneurs, college students, etc.  Blacks are purposely regulated to poverty.  However, poverty is no excuse to steal, kill or destroy.  Suffice to say, you won’t ever see a rich person buried with their wealth.  None of it makes sense. 

Listen women/men–no man/woman should take precedence over your own children.  Pedophiles should NEVER have access to your children (neither boys nor girls) because you want a damn girlfriend/boyfriend.  This has got to change, but I digress.  When your child says something is wrong, investigate the accusation.  Believe them.  Children even at birth have a hell of intuition.  They have had it since birth.  They know and can feel danger even from strangers.  When they cry you know something is wrong.  You should not put your children in a position where they can develop narcissism or any mental illness from childhood trauma.  You are supposed to protect your children from harm.  As a result, this creates communities that have an abundance of residents with narcissist behavior.  This behavior often develops in childhood around the ages of 7 or 8.  Not to mention PTSD,  Neglect of your children, family and community.  None of this makes sense.

What’s more, is that before you decide to do away with your enemy.  Think about that for a moment.  When you do away with all your enemies; who is left.  Your friends?  As a human being, had you just taken thought about the situation, and talked it out, and used your own cooldown method you could have saved a black life as well as your own. None of this makes sense.

If you would have even invested in the community, instead of criminalizing it you could have become wealthy, and not inclined to generational poverty where BLACK men can’t get jobs, especially if they don’t speak Spanish, but I digress.   You could have raised YOUR family instead of watching someone else’s fake family on the television you will have to view in jail. 

You represented what?  You were fooled into believing this dysfunction represents manhood.  By who!   When you get to jail, what money is on your books from those you represented?  Yeah, we know your self-esteem was low, or you were high, and that thug was really down low, especially if one of the initiations was to screw another man from behind.  That was not being tough, and taking it like a man. Bullshit.  That is being primed for sodomization. Those people you hung around were not there to protect your turf,  because you don’t own anything.  It was to sodomize you.  That is all it boiled down to.  Look at the picture.  Here is what will become of you.  Our communities will go on without you.  Once you are housed in prison, you will become like an animal that has to fight for survival every day against the same people you stood by in unison on the street.  While you rot in jail you will become prey.  The cycle will continue every day where you have to protect your only commodity in prison.  Literally your black ass.  By the way which is what it all boiled down to in the first place. The feminization of black males.

Look at what you will become if you don’t back down, and respect life.  Learn how to respect your differences.  Learn that we are not “niggas” to be killed.  We are African Americans/Black Hebrews to be respected, and honored.  Not to mention, our lives should be preserved.  The majority of Blacks are Black Hebrews purposely thrown together with tribes our ancestors did not deal with in Egypt which is a part of Africa.  That being said, Pharoah/Potus is still trying to destroy the Hebrew seed, by any means necessary.  Our lives are supposed to be cherished and respected.  Pharoah back in the day did not know who the Black Hebrews were, so he decided to kill all black males.  Sound familiar.  There will NEVER be a hate crime bill to stop Black destruction.  The more it looks like genocide . . . but I digress.  Garyians, you had better learn to depend on each other, get along, and come together.  Learn to agree to disagree, and work out your differences.  Not kill or be killed.  When it is all said and done nobody really wants to die.  Not even the tough guy. None of it makes sense.  Senseless, if you will.

You can’t wear caps or colors in jail.  Only one color, per county, and everyone wears the same prison jumpsuit with numbers.  More than likely the same ones who you joined who got you into trouble, will now rape/sodomize you.  Learn the lesson.  There is no honor in murder, and after you live a miserable life in jail, then you will burn in hell for murder, rape, etc.  Learn that in life, you reap what you sow.  You can run and hide, but karma is a motherfucker.  Learn to live peaceably amongst one another, so that all have harmony.  Quit that damn bullying shit.  That is not manhood.    

Fighting does not solve a damn thing. It is a prideful barbaric action, nothing to be proud of and if you are proud of double-teaming, gaining upon, ambushing, and bullying or beating someone near death you are part of the problem, and it solves not ONE DAMN THING.  Teach your children to respect life and their communities, and to take care of them both.  All life deserves to live to be seniors.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  Take a look at the life you could possibly live for the rest of your life, behind bars.  For what!

Garyside wants to try a social experiment here in Gary.  The first part of the experiment is for those Garyians who know they need mental help to seek out a Black Therapist.  Garyside will work on gathering Black social workers to help.  Go to Garysides’ contact page and send suggestions.  The second part is this. . but listen Garyside is by no way a zealot or a bible-thumping anything.  That being said,  Garyside wants Garyians to take the challenge and see if you can follow what is listed below.  Garyians, let’s start  with the month of November, 2021.  Here goes.  Try to.

  1. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
  2. Honor your father and mother.
  3. You shall not murder.
  4. You shall not commit adultery. (this means don’t sleep with someone else’s spouse)
  5. You shall not steal.
  6. You shall not bear false witness (lie)
  7. You shall not covet. (Listen. coveting is the result of envy, which, once it takes root in the heart, leads to worse)

Listen Garyians, we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!  As you have read, there are a lot of circumstances that make no sense, and are senseless.   Take the challenge

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