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Do you think that Employers who force their employees to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccination should be held liable for any/and all adverse side effects that the employee experiences.  That being the case, the Employer should have to give that employee lifetime health benefits, as well as their salary from the time of inoculation, especially since the mandate put the employee in harm’s way?  Some of these conglomerates, big businesses are playing big brother, and our government is turning a blind eye.  These big businesses are undermining our freedom of speech and lives, just like Facebook, for one.  This force to push a vaccination on everyone but illegal immigrants is growing more sinister every day.  Funny thing is  our  lawmakers whose pockets are lined by these corporations do nothing.  I am starting to believe that there is something very sinister with this COVID-19 vaccination.  

The makers of the COVID-19 vaccination do not want to be held responsible for any adverse effects. Why?  They are not backing their own product, without letting the buyer beware?   That sounds so sinister to me, as who does not want to be held accountable.  Back in the day businesses stood behind their products with confidence, but now companies are not liable for their bullshit?  What’s more, the government is pushing their BS on its citizens, and then turn around and make them lord of accepting the BS, or become unemployed.   It is something wrong there. 

In ending, the question is do you believe Employers should be held accountable who force vaccination on their employees.  Should there be legislation regarding this?

Click here.  Strangely enough, Pzifer is given legal protection against being sued.

 As it stands, Pzifer and other distributors as well as the government have stipulations that make these distributors of the vaccination not liable for their vaccination.  So whatever harm you experience, including loss of a productive life or any other adverse effect from the vaccination our own government has made the distributors unaccountable.  After all, there have not been adequate studies.  So now, if employers want to mandate you take the vaccination and you have adverse effects should you be compensated for life if you fall prey to adverse effects.  How can you make someone unaccountable for something, and then force their product on you?  Someone has to be held accountable if you make me do something I don’t want to do.  If my child experiences brain damage, or I could get cancer, lose a limb, etc., you mean to tell me you are going to make me do something that will damage me for life because I work a job and there is no compensation.  Require your government to make a clause for these distributors, including Bill Gates that if we are mandate to take a vaccination, and have  adverse reactions that damage our health, then the employer (since they are a third party, the loophole to get out of jail) will have pay our salaries for life, as well as income raises, adjustments for the duration of our lives. 

Start complaining and let your voices be heard to your Senators and Congress people.   Click on link below.

Two Danish patients have brain hemorrhages following AstraZeneca jab (msn.com)



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