

Are employers forcing Employees to take a COVID-19 vaccination? I read a very troubling article that stated in part:

“In the case of the coronavirus vaccines, the Vatican said they “can be used in good conscience” given the severity of the pandemic and since the vaccine’s connection to the original abortion is remote. Pope Francis took the Pfizer vaccine, and last month the governor of Vatican City said employees who don’t take a vaccine could be sanctioned or fired.” Read more of article below:

If in fact employers are forcing employees to take a vaccination to keep their jobs in a time when 40 million employees are out of work, then why aren’t employers held accountable if the vaccination has an adverse reaction on their employees.

Under HIPPA, employers are not privy to employees health issues. That being the case, how can they force employees to take a vaccination that may cause irreparable harm. Sidebar: Employers or the creators of the vaccination cannot be sued for the side effects of taking the vaccination. In other words, who gives a rat’s ass if an employee develops lifelong complications and/or dies.

Since employers are now playing the role of big brother, and the powers that be are handing over our rights to big brother, then it is only right for employers to be held accountable. Big businesses, should not get a free pass to fuck employees with no lube. Where is democracy in all of this? We all have a say in matters relating to our health. Is this still America? A democracy? Employers should be held accountable. If an employer forces its staff to become vaccinated, then the employers are obligated to pay the cost of adverse reactions to a vaccination that they forced employees to take. I mean Employers should have to pay the cost to be the boss.

Employers have to be held responsible for the injuries they in their third party role mandated their employees to be inflicted with. Ask yourself. Who is benefitting from the vaccination? My answer. Follow the money, and you will get the answer.

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