Photograph by jan-kopriva on Unsplash


Gary neighborhoods have changed over the years, and in some neighborhoods the blightedness shows through.  That does not mean that we cannot show respect for the “hood”.  We can.

“All neighborhoods have their own personalities. Some tend to be more open to street parties and socializing, while others are made up of people who prefer to stay to themselves. Regardless of the type of neighborhood you live in, there are still some basic etiquette rules you should follow to be a good neighbor. The ultimate goal is to live in peace and harmony, and even though that’s not always possible, you can at least do whatever it takes to prevent hostilities and long-lasting hard feelings. Follow these tips on how to be a good neighbor.”   

Click on the link below to learn more.

Photograph by john-cameron on Unsplash

In addition to the above, as a community– Garyians we need to put our heads together and work on solutions to tackle the trashers in our communities, as well as those that come into our community and dump whatever they please.

My solution is to start and organize a department that will built a nationwide database built from collecting fingerprints from trashers, and/or the trash they litter our communities with.  As a community we can organize to pick up the trash, and drop it off to a newly formed department, that will  scan the discarded trash for fingerprints.  From there, this database will create a worldwide database of fingerprints from trash.  By trashing and/or littering our communities they give consent to scan their fingerprints.   

While we have more than our fair share of trashers, they need to be educated on what they are doing to the neighborhood in terms of the disgusting views of garbage all around, and how it affects property values.

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