Photograph by Rene Deanda on Unsplash


African Americans come from a diverse group — just like Europeans.   America is nothing more than a nation of immigrants.  African Americans had the misfortune of being bought here in one of the most cruelest, and  degrading forms.  Black folks were taken from their nation of origin, [95% Hebrew Egyptian origin].  Stolen from their country of origin, and enslaved in a country against their will.  African Americans endured the most barbaric form of  captivity that no one should  have endured here in Amerikkka a/k/a  Slavery.  God bless Amerikkka right. Wait! what is their saying “In God we Trust”  African Americans were not allowed to read and write.  They were raped and sodomized by white CHRISTIAN folks. Not to mention everything else, that still exists to this very day.  African Americans were stripped and devoid of their ancestral language, and culture.
Fast forward.
On the other hand, other immigrants come to  Amerikkka for the opportunity handed to them on a platter to reach fame and fortune.  Especially the white immigrants who are given an economy on a platter; while Blacks are regulated to poverty, and government handouts.
Amerikkka was developed from nations abroad.  That being said, every nation in America should have the tools and economic support to enhance their own communities with their own businesses.  Segregation creates diversity and economic opportunity for all who dwell in the community.  Not those who come into the community to get black gold, and take all the monies out.  Then after looting monies out of the community, they go to their home in a community void of Blacks.  On the other hand, Blacks are void of this opportunity.  Only regulated to poverty. 
That being said, why do African Americans now have to press 1 for Spanish in a nation of Immigrants? 
It is time to refuse to learn someone elses’ language because they are white.  When will white priviledge end, and equality begin?  
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