Block Clubs/Organizations
The Broadway 41-44 Block club was formed in April, 2016 in an effort to address the ills that the residents of Broadway continually face. The block club exists between the boundaries of 4100 through 4499 Broadway in the Glen Park area of Gary, Indiana 46408. Broadway 41-44 Block club is registered with the Urban League of Northwest Indiana, Inc., Federation of Block Clubs.
The Broadway 41-44 Block club is an informal block club and has identified Versie C. McClay as the Block Captain/President and contact person for the block club. The Broadway 41-44 Block Club is not formal and does not consist of elected officers, utilizing Robert’s Rules of Order for conducting meetings, a set of bylaws, and the collection of dues or assessments.
Our primary mission is to improve the quality of life for our residents. Some of the block clubs immediate goals lie within the elimination of blight. In addition, the block club will work to develop a community economy whereby the community residents can share in the makeup of the business owners as well. As a community block club we stand anchored on the demolition of the dilapidated buildings that have plagued the community, and are depressing eyesores to the residents, as well as those that frequent the community. These dilapidated buildings are havens to criminals, and criminal activity as well, not to mention compromising the safety of the residents.
Gary’s Broadway 41-4 Block club will also address not only the crime within the community, but the criminals as well.
The Broadway 41-44 Block club will extend a hand to communities that surround it in an effort to create a socially cohesive community combined to address the needs that arise in the community. The block club will work to establish a community that is responsive to the needs of the sick and shut in, as well as seniors and disabled residents.
If you have any questions and/or concerns about the Broadway 41-44 Block club, please feel free to contact Versie C. McClay at